Week 2/Day 2

Good Morning!

Task 1

Today we're going to have a look at your writing (task 2) and listening skills (task 1) in a little bit more detail.

Below you can find a full B2 First Listening sample exam.

Please do the exam, following the initial instructions and use the timer, or in case you need extra time, write the total amount of time it took you to complete each exercise.
Then write your scores in the comment box below, as you did yesterday for the Reading and Use of English exercises.

If you have any problems, please send me a WhatsApp as soon as possible.

B2 First Listening Exam Part 1 - 4:

Part 2 - find more info on how to do this part here.

Good luck!

Task 2

Answer the following questions in at least 2-3 sentences each and use as much vocabulary as possible from the education vocabulary worksheet you studied last week.  

1.     Watch the following video by The Economist:

2.     How does the situation in the US compare to the one in Spain?

3.     What’s your personal opinion on the topic?

4.     Would you choose your own degree again nowadays?

5.     What role do you reckon private universities play in all of this?

6.     What other viable options are there apart from a university degree in order to become successful?

7.     Which degrees do you think are likely to land you a good job nowadays and which ones should be avoided?

8.     What do you think the future holds for coming generations and what advice would you give them?

9.     Can you think of jobs that don’t necessarily require a degree but for which employers often demand one?

10. Do you believe students will have their parents pay for their university education in the future as well?

Take care see you tomorrow in class!

Sabina x



  1. TASK 1
    Part 1, complete 1,3,5,6,7,8; no 2,4
    Part 2, complete 1,2,5,7,8,9; no 3,4,6,10
    Part 3 completed
    Part 4 complete 1,2,3,4,6; no 5,7

  2. Well done! Please upload the answers for Task 2 as well in the comment box below.


    Sabina x

  3. TASK 2
    2. In Spain, now people do not many degrees but they do vocational trainings, because in many jobs they no longer ask for a degree.
    3. I think there are many degrees that are overvaluated, and that you can learn uch more by doing a vocational training and accesing interchips.
    4. I would do a vocational training in IT, because, nowadays, has many outingsbut as a degree I would make education
    5. I think that private universities are too expensives for people who do not have resources and who want to go to university.
    6. I think that doing a vocational training you are very well prepared to able to work.
    7. I think the future is IT, and i do not know what degree you have to avoid, but you should always do what you like.
    8. I think the most important is to grow as a person and that every effort has its reward.
    9. I do not know.
    10. I think parents are always willing to pay a degree as long as they see that you work hard.

    1. Thanks Alicia!

      Please see my correction at the end of the initial post as usual.

      Take care & see you later ;)

      Sabina x


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